Mathiesen Memorial
Health Clinic
"Close to home…. far from ordinary”​
Tel: 209-984-4820

Red Feather Clinic Medication Assisted Treatment serving our community to prevent and heal addiction 18232 Smoke Street, Jamestown, CA 95327 (209) 782-8625​
Do you or a family member struggle with addiction? We can help! We Accept Medi-Cal!
No Referral is needed, Walk-Ins are welcome!
Services Provided
Substance use treatment medications
Behavioral Health referrals
Substance use counseling
Care Coordination
Assist with Health Insurance enrollment
Resource referrals
Acupuncture Therapy
Resource Links
The links below discuss aspects of treatment and can help you decide if Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is right for you or someone you know who is struggling with opiate, alcohol, and/or stimulant use disorder.

Visit our new location
18232 Smoke Street
Jamestown, CA 95327
Just off Main St, behind the gazebo
Monday - Friday - 7am to 4pm
Phone 209-782-8625
Fax 209-984-9240