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  1. Acupuncture

  2. Electro-Acupuncture

  3. Acupressure and Tuina 

  4. Nutritional Counseling 

  5. Cupping Therapy 

  6. Acupuncture Assisted Therapy and Counseling

  7. Infra-red and red light therapy

  8.  Medical Qigong therapy

Dr. Taya Stanley,  DAOM, LAc

Services Provided

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Visit our new location

18260 Smoke Street
Jamestown, CA 95327

Our front parking and clinic entrance is off the main highway using the following address as a reference point:
18275 Hwy 108
Jamestown, CA 95327


Monday - Thursday - 8am to 4pm

Phone 209-690-4913

Fax 209-984-9059

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